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AuthorKatey Psencik

Katey is the managing director of The Drag Audio, the first full-scale podcast production house on a college campus.

Episode 2: ‘How to Fold a Taco’

On this adventure, learn the magical art of folding a taco from magicians, wrestlers, and even a dinosaur! Anyone can learn how to fold and eat this yummy treat. Written by Naibe Reynoso, illustrated by Ana Varela, and published by Con Todo Press...

‘Story Submarine’ Trailer

Hop aboard the story submarine! Each episode will take you on an immersive storytelling adventure!

¡Hola, exploradores! Únase a nosotros en Story Submarine, un nuevo podcast donde los libros para niños se transforman en aventuras de audio.

Support The Drag on Giving Tuesday

When I think about all The Drag has accomplished this year, I feel overwhelmed with pride. We released five podcasts: Devilish Deeds, Crooked Power, Planet Texas, the Hi, How Are You? Podcast, and of course, season three of Darkness.  Each podcast...

Meet our summer 2021 interns

The Drag is so excited to welcome six interns to our team this summer! Meet our summer 2021 intern team: Laurie Grobe is a journalism and museum studies senior at UT Austin, and is currently an intern for the Lady Bird podcast. They love stories...

Cozy up with these podcasts this Valentine’s Day

Love is in the air — and so is a bitter winter chill — so it’s the perfect weekend to curl up with your partner, your roommate, your pet or just yourself and catch up on some great podcasts. Since it’s Valentine’s Day weekend, here are some of our...