On the evening of April 16, 1960, a young woman from McAllen, Texas, named Irene Garza went to church for confession. She never returned home. A week later, her body was found floating in a canal. Decades would pass before the priest who murdered...
Forsaken is a series that explores the systems that both enhance and oppress the lives of the more than 29 million people living in Texas. Each episode will address issues that Texans face each day — the good and the bad. We’ll explore the criminal...
As artificial intelligence continues to develop, it’s not enough to focus on whether AI can or cannot carry out a task — we need to focus on whether the technology should carry out the task at all. At the University of Texas at Austin...
Ever wondered what it’s like to be one of the most creative people in business? How about the producer of some of Hollywood’s biggest films? Host Mahlah Freeman brings you stories from alumni, faculty, students and friends of the Moody College of...
In 1946, a serial killer murdered five people over the course of 10 weeks in Texarkana, Texas before disappearing. Theories abound about who the killer may have been, but decades later, the case is still unsolved. In season two of “Devilish Deeds,”...
As podcast producers and educators, hosts Katey Psencik Outka and Robert Quigley are on a mission to help you discover good podcasts. To do that, the two friends and coworkers check out podcasts from all genres and analyze them for you. Listen to...
The McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin isn’t just one of the top business schools in the country. It’s a place where chances are taken, dreams are born, and boldness is celebrated. Perseverance, drive, and a welcoming...
On Aug. 1, 1966, a sniper climbed the steps of the University of Texas at Austin’s 27-story tower. Seventeen people were killed, and more than 30 others were injured. Fifty-six years later, mass shootings make headlines nearly every week. And the...
In the years following her time in the White House, Lady Bird Johnson spent countless hours detailing her life experiences with historians for the LBJ Presidential Library. To bring her incredible story to life, host Jade Emerson unearthed those...
On Sept. 30, 2010, the South American nation of Ecuador descended into chaos. The national police force had hit the streets in a large protest demanding better benefits. Ecuador’s brash and theatrical authoritarian leader Rafael Correa cracked down...