
Periscopes out! New episodes of Story Submarine are coming soon

Written by Gwenny Govea, Zoe Judilla and Drew Van Chau

Story Submarine is still chugging along. The team, Gwenny Govea, Zoe Judilla, Drew Van Chau, and Miles Crenwelge pictured above, along with the rest of our members are working on two new episodes now. 

Look out for the first Story Submarine episode, “Dream Big,” which will be coming out soon!.

The next two big projects are audio adventures of the books “All Around Us” written by Xelena González and illustrated by Adriana M. Garcia and then “How to Fold a Taco” written by Naibe Reynoso and illustrated by Ana Varela. 

“All Around Us” is a great story about a young girl and her grandfather exploring and learning about the cycle of life. It follows the pair walking around their neighborhood and gardening as it shows a loving family bond that seemingly transcends just the two of them. 

Then, there’s the fantastically fun “How to Fold a Taco.” It’s a great story about making food and about sharing as well. 

For this adventure, the team has split in two in order to finish both episodes simultaneously. 

Van Chau has taken charge of editing for the “All Around Us” episode. The English version has already been recorded and is currently in the process of being edited into its final version. The episode will also have a Spanish counterpart that is also currently underway with it being in the recording process. All of the soundscaping noises have already been gathered and are starting to take shape. It’s a light and fun-hearted approach to teaching about a serious topic. 

On the other hand, Crenwelge has also started to edit “How to Fold a Taco.” With both the English and Spanish versions having been recorded, and are both currently in the editing process. The soundscaping noises for this episode have also all been found and are currently being edited together into the episode. It’s shaping up to be a very exciting and interesting audio adventure to undertake. 

For these episodes, we’ve gathered a large and diverse crew of voice actors to flesh out the story. With each person having a unique take on their characters that really brings the stories to life. Listening to them during the recording sessions already made the story that much more real so once the stories are fully finished and published one can only imagine how they’ll come together.

We’re also planning on releasing along with these episodes quite a bit of extra supplementary materials so that once the audio adventure is done the fun doesn’t have to stop. 

For “How to Fold a Taco”, you can look forward to word searches, recipes, and art activities, along with a fun physical surprise. Then, for “All Around Us” you can enjoy coloring pages, eye-spy pages, make your own family-trees, word searches, and other art activities. 

Keep a lookout for the first episode of Story Submarine with “Dream Big” and then keep your periscopes out for the following episodes of “All Around Us” and How to Fold a Taco.”  Keep on swimming Story Submariners!

Katey is the managing director of The Drag Audio, the first full-scale podcast production house on a college campus.

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