
Spooky Podcast Recommendations

The Drag staff member Emma Welty took some time to recommend some spooky podcast recommendations just in time for Oct. 31. Listeners beware!

1. Lore

Lore is a true crime podcast that explores the frightening history behind common folklore tales. Each episode details the chilling truth of mysterious creatures, unusual places, and tragic events.

Genre: Nonfiction, horror, documentary 

2. The NoSleep Podcast

NoSleep is a Horror fiction podcast series of original short stories. This multi-award winning podcast features talented voice actors and atmospheric music that’s sure to give you a fright!

Genre: Horror, Paranormal, Short stories

3. Unexplained 

Unexplained details mysterious real life events that continue to evade explanation and explores the space between what we think of as real and what is not.

Genre: Paranormal, Mystery, Nonfiction 

Further reading

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