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AuthorKatey Psencik

Katey is the managing director of The Drag Audio, the first full-scale podcast production house on a college campus.

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13. ‘If Books Could Kill’

To start off Women’s History Month, we work to answer the age-old question: are women from Mars, and men are from Venus? This week, Katey and Quigley listen to the podcast “If Books Could Kill.” This episode talks about John Gray’s book from 1992...

Introducing ‘Forsaken’

Forsaken is a series that explores the systems that both enhance and oppress the lives of the more than 29 million people living in Texas. Each episode will address issues that Texans face each day — the good and the bad. We’ll explore the criminal...

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10. ‘Murder With My Husband’

Do you love murder with your husband? Oh wait, not doing murder, but listening to “Murder With My Husband” on all your podcast apps. Katey and Quigley are sitting down to listen to the telling of a bed and breakfast massacre in a small Maine town...

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9. ‘Wiser Than Me’

Happy New Year! For this episode, Katey and Quigley wanted to find something inspiring to ring in the new year. They are sitting down to listen to Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ podcast “Wiser Than Me.” Louis-Dreyfus sits down with older women who are always...

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8. ’48 Hours’

Katey and Quigley are checking out the “48 Hours” podcast this week! This episode follows the case of Alex Murdaugh, the prominent lawyer from South Carolina who had a fall from grace after being convicted of double murder charges. Help...

Wrapping up a great year at The Drag

One of the best things about working at The Drag is that I never really know what’s going to happen in this job. If you’d told me a year ago that The Drag would be ending 2023 with 36 student workers, a program filled with 22 eager first-year...

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6. ‘Normal Gossip’

Katey and Quigley listen to an episode of “Normal Gossip,” which is actually the podcast that started this whole podcast! Kelsey McKinney, the host of “Normal Gossip,” takes listeners through some of the most fun stories with the best “utterly banal...