In 2005, Jennifer Cave was navigating through the best and worst parts of her early 20s. She moves to Austin after high school in hopes of figuring out what she wants to do with her life and gets caught up in a party lifestyle. One night, right...
Sharon Cave knows something is wrong the second she gets a call from her daughter Jennifer’s boss saying Jennifer didn’t show up for her first day at work. When no one can give her an answer as to where Jennifer was the night before, Sharon and her...
Darkness, Season 1: “The Orange Tree” is a documentary podcast series telling the story the 2005 murder of 21-year-old Jennifer Cave. The brutal crime scene at the Orange Tree Condos in Austin’s West Campus area shook the city. Two top...
When I became involved with The Orange Tree podcast a few months ago, I was immediately captured by every aspect of Jennifer Cave’s story and her family’s pursuit of justice. In just a few days I pored over all of the scripts, and I felt with full...