Decades later, the case of the Phantom Killer continues to elude investigators, both professional and amateur. Theories abound about who...
An attacker ambushes Virgil Starks in his home, shooting and killing him. His wife, Katie, narrowly escapes to the neighbor’s house to call...
Betty Jo Booker’s friends are expecting her at a sleepover, but she never shows up. She’d been with a friend, Paul Martin, who is also...
A month after the first attack, a motorist out for a Sunday drive finds an abandoned car. The bodies of two young people are inside. Polly...
It’s February 1946 in Texarkana, Texas, a small East Texas city seeing rapid growth in the wake of Prohibition. Two young lovers go to a...
In 1946, a serial killer murdered five people over the course of 10 weeks in Texarkana, Texas before disappearing. Theories abound about...