Despite being a mostly conservative community, New Braunfels, Texas, has become a safer space for LGBTQ+ people in recent years. In the final installment of Queer Texas, Heather Stewart shares the experiences of local LGBTQ+ high schoolers...
In May 2023, a family-friendly drag show at a New Braunfels, Texas, church attracted protestors. In part three of Queer Texas, Heather Stewart talks to the pastor of Faith United Church of Christ about the protest and the fallout that followed. This...
After Cameron Wright confessed to assaulting Aliah Hernandez in 2014 in a New Braunfels, Texas hotel room, both the officer assigned to Aliah’s case and Aliah’s friends and family thought it was an open-and-shut case. But two grand juries declined...
In December 2014, Aliah Hernandez, a trans woman, told police she was assaulted after revealing her gender identity to a man whom she met up with at a hotel in New Braunfels, Texas. In the first episode of Queer Texas, a four-part “Forsaken” series...